Technician Name:  Andrew L. Owens

Some completed projects by above technician.

Description of Type Of Project
Project Dates

Total Estimated

Total Enclosures


·         Blanca-Telephone (2004-2009)

Locations Work Preformed In: 

 Blanca, Ft Garland, Forbes Park,

 and Wagon Creek, Deer Valley(Colorado)

Type of Work Preformed:  Main Line and Backbone
Splicing, FTTh, Splitting fibers in the field, installing splitter modules in
Tyco cases(1x16,1x2,1x4, 1x32), AFC splice and setup, Central Office
cabinet setup and splice, OTDR testing, Power Meter and
 Network Interface Device setup and splice at 250 plus homes. 
 Troubleshooting fiber breaks and fiber connectivity issues.

Blanca, CO, Telephone company, click to view image gallery.

 from 2004 to 2009

Working and Not In Service Fusion Splices: 

2500+, Hot Cuts or Live Cable Splicing included.

Installed (Tyco/ Coyote): 

 250+ (includes working

new case replacement installations)

·        RT Communication 2008

Location Work Preformed In: 

 Worland, WY

Took over partially done project (Paint Brush PON/Remote and Yellowstone PON). 

 Troubleshot and fixed fiber connection issues and completed project, which in tailed

fiber optic case preparation, splicing of all drop location and re addressing fiber optic cases. 

 Tested bare fiber bi directionally (Premise fiber to PON fiber) with Exfo Access OTDR, Prep

 and install Network Interface Device at premise, design splice cut sheet for incomplete

area (used personally designed and created fiber optic database software that documents

 splice points and can track spliced splitter modules in the field).  Aspen View Software

example available on line at\cutsheet.html, 3 Splitter Cabinets/

PON, 1 Remote setup and splice, approximately 350 homes connected for 4 projects

6 months total work time and all splicing work listed completed by technician.

RT Communication Project Gallery

Start 1st Project
January 2008
End last project
November 2008

(Fusion and Non Fusion):  2000+ Splices

Installed (Tyco):  70+ Fiber Optic Cases

Rye-Telephone 2002-2007
Locations Work Preformed In:
  Colorado City, Town of Rye,
 Many Sub Divisions of
 Rye Telephone Company Areas (Colorado)
Corning PON Cabinet Setup & Installation, 1x32 splitter modules setup, splice P2MP systems, Home Network Interface Device installation (NID) setup and splice, (approximately 1000 plus homes), Prepped, Splice & Tested distribution cable for PON projects, OTDR Test and Power Meter for fiber documentation (Bi directional). 

Rye Telephone Company Project Gallery

(Fusion Splice):  4000+  splices
Live fibers included

(Fusion Splice):  4000+  splices

(Coyote/Preform):  400+ Fiber Optic Cases, including-drops-to houses (includes working and new case replacement installations) low estimate, 25+ PON Cabinet setup, spliced, and tested, Fiber Optic Cable distribution range average 96 fibers to 192 fibers for each PON location.

Central Montana Communications, 3 Rivers Communication
Locations Work Preformed In:  Ft Belknap, Dodson, Big Sky(Yellowstone), Denton (Montana)

FTTH, AFC splice and Setup, Remote Cabinet Setup and splice, OTDR Testing Bi directional, Bare Fiber and Power Meter testing. Setup and tested 8 LLC fiber cabinets using a Calix fiber to the premise system, Big Sky project spliced and prepped ped with Terminal Drop (BD-7 style) splice points.


(Fusion Splice and Non Fusion):  +1500 Splices

(Tyco Coyote/BD-7):  70+ Fiber Optic Cases

·        Unite Private Networks

Locations Work Preformed In:  District 60 School System, Pueblo, CO, School System Florence, CO

Main line splicing for project, Splicing for main fiber ring, aerial around city, Splicing for 7 sub aerial fiber rings, Setup 24 fiber cabinet, spliced pigtails and installed G-Bit switch equipment for 25 of the 31 schools connected to CISCO system, Setup and Spliced 72 fiber rack and mount cabinet for each of the 6 main buildings of the project.  OTDR Testing & Power Meter Testing at 1550/1310 for all 37 locations, bi directional testing on both sides of the fiber ring, and hook up for all locations including redundancy path.  Florence – Connected 5 school buildings, prepped and spliced fiber optic case, Mounted and installed 12 fiber cabinet and 24 fiber cabinet in main building, Bus Barn.  One year later uninstall and move Bus Barn splice to new building, all ending splices bi directionally tested.


Splices (Fusion): 1500+ Splices, Hot Cuts or Live Cable Splicing included

(Tyco):  50+ Fiber Optic Cases, 30+ fiber cabinets mounted and prepped.

Century Telephone Locations Work Preformed In:  Avon, CO, Edwards, CO, Eagle, CO, Gypsum, CO, Walsh, CO, Akron, CO, Pagosa Springs, CO, Dolores, CO, Dotsero, CO (Two Rivers), Stratton, CO, La Junta, CO, Walsh, CO, West Cliff, CO

FTTx & FTTc projects (new and existing), case preparation and fusion splicing, AFC fiber setup and splicing, Hot cuts and cable cut over’s, cable moves, Central Office fiber cabinet set up and splicing, PON cabinet fiber setup and splice, replace or update of existing  splices, working fiber splices, bi-directional testing OTDR and power meter, troubleshooting, repair and documentation of broken or unknown fiber locations and old fiber case for new fiber case change outs (working case).

Click to goto Gallery.


 (Fusion Splice):   2000+ splices

(Tyco & Coyote):  300+  (includes working and new cases)

·        Completed Fiber Optic Splicing Projects        Types Of Splicing Projects1.      Back Bone or Main Line Splicing2.      FTTx Splicing (Tap In, Feeder, Distribution & Drop)3.      Distribution-Hubs, PON, AFC, Splitter Cabinets etc 4.      Network Interface Device Splicing (Includes setup, residential and commercial).   Basic component setup for fiber optic systems.5.      Fiber Ring Splicing (Redundancy and multi entry point access)6.      Ribbon Cable Splicing7.       Hot-Cut-or-Live-Cable-Splicing-(Central Office, POP Room, etc…)

 8.    Fiber Optic Outside & Inside Plant Splicing & Equipment Setup.

  Equipment Used

1.   GNNettest OTDR model-4000, 4500, etc... (Software Documentation\ Printing)

2.  Exfo Access Series OTDR/Power Meter & Light Source (Software  Documentation\Printing)3.  Noyes Power Metes & Light Source4.  Sumitomo Type 36 and 37 Fusion Splice Machines & FC 6, 7 series Fiber Cleavers ( 8 years experience)5.  Misc.:  Traffic Detectors, Red Light (Great Tool), Scopes & Probes, Bare Fiber Adapters, Slack Loop Splitters just to mention a few things.·        Read and Convert in to color coded information, Fiber Optic Splicing Schematics and Blueprints (Complete asset documentation of fiber optic networks, with specialized software).


Residential Fiber Optic Services



Copper equipment