The fiber optic splicing matrix program, created
by Owens Fiber Optics, allows a splicer or fiber engineer to tell how 2 or more fiber optic cables will
be spliced in a particular location. Our cut sheet program takes the information that is given by the engineer and creates
a color coded spreadsheet like cut sheet matrix, that describes buffer tube to buffer tube and fiber to fiber how each fiber
should be spliced according to location. Limiting the amount of missed spliced fibers because of color or cable count
confusion and adding the benefit of verified accuracy to the splice location.
The Splice Matrix cut sheet software is also a good fiber optic network tracking system.
With the add on features you can choose to add to your customized cut sheet program. The Cut Sheet Matrix software
is able to tell you all customer information related to the fiber optic network setup and management of fibers, splice locations
and even images of those locations, for even more detail to your projects.
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