Fiber Optic Splicing Matrix

     The fiber optic splicing matrix program, created by Owens Fiber Optics, allows a splicer or fiber engineer to tell how 2 or more fiber optic cables will be spliced in a particular location.  Our cut sheet program takes the information that is given by the engineer and creates a color coded spreadsheet like cut sheet matrix, that describes buffer tube to buffer tube and fiber to fiber how each fiber should be spliced according to location.  Limiting the amount of missed spliced fibers because of color or cable count confusion and adding the benefit of verified accuracy to the splice location.

The Splice Matrix cut sheet software is also a good fiber optic network tracking system.  With the add on features you can choose to add to your customized cut sheet program.  The Cut Sheet Matrix software is able to tell you all customer information related to the fiber optic network setup and management of fibers, splice locations and even images of those locations, for even more detail to your projects.

Cut Sheet Details More Info


***All Cut Sheets have a setup fee per location***

Project Service Options
     a.  Full Project- Includes Main Cut Sheet- Central Office PON Cabinet Count for example, plus all splice points pertaining to that project.
     b.  Individual Splice Location Cut Sheet

Types of Detail per Location can be
     a.  Basic Detail- Which includes just the color code cable information for the in and out cables.  A great tool for fiber optic splicers, it's a color coded blueprint.

     b.  Medium Detail - Which includes street names for each fiber address, as well as, the color code cable information.
     c.  Full Detail - Includes above 2 options(a and b), plus add detail as to when cable changes are made for the location and we at Owens Fiber Optics also keep and provide copies of cut sheets and maintain updates for on going projects/cut sheets.

Cut Sheet Program
The software program Owens Fiber Optics has created and uses for it's own cut sheet matrix in splicing fiber optic fiber is for sale in different forms or customized to each customers needs for creating fiber optic color coded cut sheets.

***Options only available if Owens Fiber Optics creates the Cut Sheets***

     Print Only (free if Owens Fiber Optics creates the cut sheets ) -  This option gives you a copy of the Fiber Optic Cut Sheet program, but you will not be able to create new cut sheets, update, or save cut sheets but you will be able to view the forms and print the cut sheets Owens Fiber Optics creates for you.

     Print & Update - This option gives you the above option but also the ability to open, update, print and save current cut sheets, created by Owens Fiber Optics for your fiber optic projects.

     25% Discount Full Cut Sheet Software (requires full cut sheet service option).  This options will give you the ability to use the full functionality of the Fiber Optic Cut Sheet program.  Owens Fiber Optics will create your project or individual cut sheet matrix locations  This will enhance the understanding of how the program works and will give you an advantage in creating your own cut sheets.
      The program includes the ability to add splitter cut sheets to your splice point locations.  The splitter can represent up-to 32 fibers per splitter and can be inputed on the main line cut sheet matrix, but is represented on it's own cut sheet.  You will have access to the many other features of the software program such as:  Address Table, which saves list of fiber addresses for future use in other cut sheets in the project database, the snap shot saver and more. 
     Starting Introductory Cost ($599.00)included with this offer.  Custom programming not included with this offer.

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Case Replacement


120 Fiber PON Cabinet

Fiber Optic Installation Services

  • Case Preperation - Tyco, Preform(Coyote) plus most other brands, New & Existing
  • Working Case Replacement
  • Fusion Splicing - Single Mode, Multi Mode, Truewave, Ribbion Fiber, plus
  • Working Fiber Fusion Splice - Hot cut & Working Cable Cut Over
  • Pon/FTTx Cabinet Fiber Setup & Splice
  • Central Office(CO) and AFC Fiber Setup & Splice
  • Network Interface Device(NID) - Drop Preperation & Splice(Main Line and house location)
  • Fiber Cut Arounds and Working Cable Moves

Open NID instillation


Tyco case w/ trays

Testing and Troubleshooting Fiber Optic Cable


 Testing: OTDR (Optical Time Domain Reflectometer)

     Beginning/Reel Test-Fiber still on the reel after or before shipping
     Final Test - End test of fiber after placed in route and spliced accordingly
     Fiber Breaks - Unknown damaged or non working fibers (working or non working cables)
     OTDR one way- The testing of a connected fibers one direction only
     OTDR bi directional- The testing of connected fibers for each direction on the fiber route combine the the two directions of the fiber, for its average loss and other measurements.
     Bare Fiber Testing- The testing of fiber optic cable without having connectors, not connected to the fiber to be tested.

***When Precision Fiber Optics preforms the splicing for a job we provide test for 1310nm and 1550nm bi directional at no charge, as long as there are connectors on both sides of the fiber, this will exclude bare fiber test, all information on a CD.  For all other testing options there will be a charge for service. 

Power Meter Testing:
     The actual loss of power through a fiber from point to point.
     Testing range is 800nm to 1650nm
     The power meter test can be substituted for an OTDR test if Precision Fiber Optics does the splicing for the fiber documentation of the job.